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Most Precise Measurement of Reactor Antineutrino Spectrum Reveals Intriguing Surprise
paper in PRL
(Feb.12, 2016)
The new case of missing antineutrinos (Physics Today | AIP Citation)
(Mar.24, 2016)
Reactor data hint at existence of fourth neutrino (by ScienceNews)
(Feb.25, 2016)
Being Wrong About Fundamental Physics Is Pretty Exciting Too (Motherboard)
(Feb.21, 2016)
Neutrinos continue run of odd behavior at Daya Bay (Arstechnica)
(Feb.16, 2016)
Daya Bay discovers a mismatch (Symmetry)
(Feb.12, 2016)
Best Precision Yet for Neutrino Measurements at Daya Bay
paper in PRL
(Sep.11, 2015)
A Daya Bay article on Scholarpedia.
(Mar.6, 2015)
Postdoc Position at IHEP (Feb.25, 2015)
Hide & Seek: Sterile Neutrinos Remain Elusive
(Oct.1, 2014)
Daya Bay collaboration meeting, 22-25 May 2014
Daya Bay talk at NuFact2013
(Aug.23, 2013)
Reactor Overview Talk at NuFact2013, with Daya Bay new results
(Aug.22, 2013)
New Results from Daya Bay: Tracking the Disappearance of Ghostlike Neutrinos
(Aug.22, 2013)
Article: Improved Measurement of Electron Antineutrino Disappearance at Daya Bay
| [
] (Oct.24, 2012)
Presentation on the Special Seminars on the Daya Bay Experiment
(IHEP, Mar.8, 2012)
Article: Observation of electron-antineutrino disappearance at Daya Bay
| [
] (Mar.8, 2012)
Special Seminars on the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
(Mar.8, 2012)
A side-by-side comparison of Daya Bay antineutrino detectors [
Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment Begins Taking Data
Feb.25, 2011, the 4th core of Ling Ao NPP reached critical state.
The 1st SSV arrives at the Surface Assembly Building at Daya Bay on 12 March 2009.
Daya Bay civil construction started blasting on Feb. 19, 2008.
China's Nuclear Safety Agency approved the controlled blasting scheme of the Daya Bay Project (2007/12/29)
The 10th Daya Bay collaboration meeting held at IHEP on Dec. 13-17, 2007.
Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment Celebrates Groundbreaking (2007/10/13)
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Revision: r3 - 2016-06-15 - 10:12:20 -
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